Healing means to make well or whole, it is the process of getting better.
Healing can help with physical, psychological or emotional conditions, helping the person to become more relaxed and aid them to improved health.
Our Healing methods can help with a wide range of conditions, it is an opportunity for the process of relaxation and helps your body to adjust and heal at its own pace naturally.
The results of a healing session may be felt immediately or you may feel benefits days later or gradual improvement over a period of time.
One session may be all you need but it is usual that several sessions are needed. If you are having healing for the first time it may take a few sessions to fully relax into the process and enjoy the full benefit. You can always discuss progress with us.
If you have a condition that requires conventional medical support or treatment it is important to maintain contact with your doctor. Healing is complementary and must not replace treatments your doctor is giving you.
Our methods of healing have no harmful side effects and work well with any other therapy.
It is a process, to help you to help yourself.
The methods of healing that we offer are:
Healing can help with physical, psychological or emotional conditions, helping the person to become more relaxed and aid them to improved health.
Our Healing methods can help with a wide range of conditions, it is an opportunity for the process of relaxation and helps your body to adjust and heal at its own pace naturally.
The results of a healing session may be felt immediately or you may feel benefits days later or gradual improvement over a period of time.
One session may be all you need but it is usual that several sessions are needed. If you are having healing for the first time it may take a few sessions to fully relax into the process and enjoy the full benefit. You can always discuss progress with us.
If you have a condition that requires conventional medical support or treatment it is important to maintain contact with your doctor. Healing is complementary and must not replace treatments your doctor is giving you.
Our methods of healing have no harmful side effects and work well with any other therapy.
It is a process, to help you to help yourself.
The methods of healing that we offer are:
Sound healing
Sound healing is where the healer will use sound from instruments or their voice to help others relax or meditate and allowing these sounds, which are vibrations to flow around and through the person. These vibrations work on a cellular level, helping the body as well as helping with emotions and mood to become relaxed and helping the body’s own healing process.
You can be seated or lying on a couch or a mat on the floor, whichever gives you the most comfort. When you are comfortable we will ask you to relax and just breathe.... then the healing will begin. We can use any of the harmonic instruments from around the world such as symphonic gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, didgeridoo or voice (toning and overtone singing). We will also become instruments by channeling, allowing the energy to flow to you and with that sensitivity we will know what instrument will be used and for how long to maximize your benefit of the healing.
You do not need to be ill to receive sound healing.
You can just give time for yourself to experience peace and relaxation.
You can be seated or lying on a couch or a mat on the floor, whichever gives you the most comfort. When you are comfortable we will ask you to relax and just breathe.... then the healing will begin. We can use any of the harmonic instruments from around the world such as symphonic gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, didgeridoo or voice (toning and overtone singing). We will also become instruments by channeling, allowing the energy to flow to you and with that sensitivity we will know what instrument will be used and for how long to maximize your benefit of the healing.
You do not need to be ill to receive sound healing.
You can just give time for yourself to experience peace and relaxation.
Spiritual healing
Spiritual healing is a natural therapy where the healer will allow energy to flow (channel) through to others and when others are receiving this healing energy they benefit from it because it helps their own natural healing and relaxation.
We will act as a channel for healing energy and the energy is then drawn by you to where it is most needed. We do not need to know your reason for having healing for the healing to take place, but you are welcome to talk about it. All you need do is to breathe and be willing to have a relaxing experience.
Usually people are aware that something is happening. Most say they experience a variety of sensations, perhaps warmth or coolness and sometimes tingling and it is quite pleasant feeling.
You do not need to be ill to receive spiritual healing.
You can just give time for yourself to experience peace and relaxation.
We will act as a channel for healing energy and the energy is then drawn by you to where it is most needed. We do not need to know your reason for having healing for the healing to take place, but you are welcome to talk about it. All you need do is to breathe and be willing to have a relaxing experience.
Usually people are aware that something is happening. Most say they experience a variety of sensations, perhaps warmth or coolness and sometimes tingling and it is quite pleasant feeling.
You do not need to be ill to receive spiritual healing.
You can just give time for yourself to experience peace and relaxation.
Spiritual guidance
Spiritual guidance is the process where we will listen to you and help you by investigating where you are unwell or unhappy and by talking about it you will find the way forward to your improved health and happiness.
You will be seated comfortably and we will ask you to tell us about what is making you unhappy and what changes you want to make in your life and in discussion we will try to help you find out what you think is holding you back and help you identify what you think you should do to live a happier life.
It is a relaxing session, often with a lot of laughter and a feeling of upliftment and positive energy.
You will be seated comfortably and we will ask you to tell us about what is making you unhappy and what changes you want to make in your life and in discussion we will try to help you find out what you think is holding you back and help you identify what you think you should do to live a happier life.
It is a relaxing session, often with a lot of laughter and a feeling of upliftment and positive energy.